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How to Live Well 🌈💕🌦☔️🍓

🚫 Limit the time you spend on social media.

🌙 Go to bed early and wake up naturally.

🕯 Life is too short to 'save things for best.' Wear the dress, light the candle, spray the perfume.

🍕 Eat well, but allow yourself a treat, too. Savour every mouthful of your favourite foods.

🧘🏻‍♀️ Spend time alone to refresh and reevaluate.

🎼 Listen to music every day.

📚 Read every day.

✍🏼 Write every day. Write anything, even if just a few lines of a diary, or a couple of words in the notes section of your phone. Exercise the mind.

❌ Don't watch or read the news - it'll only depress or anger you.

🚰 Drink more water.

🏃🏻‍♀️ Exercise often, but allow yourself a day off at least once a week. Always listen to your body - it knows you best.

👤 Live privately to deter gossip.

💰 Save money.

✈️ Travel. It enriches the soul.

🫶 If you admire something about somebody, tell them, even if they're a complete stranger. Likewise, if you receive great service from a company, let them know. Kindness is free, and uplifting for all involved.

⛔️ Cut negative, toxic people out of your life. This point cannot be stressed enough. It doesn't matter if its your boss, a family member, or a friend you feel obliged to stand by through habit - you don't need to accept toxicity from ANYONE.

🤣 Laugh as often as you can. Look for the funny side of life.

✋🏼 Don't entertain or participate in gossip.

☀️ Wear sun cream!

💇🏻‍♀️ Restrict the amount of heat you subject your hair to.

💄 No matter how tired you are, ALWAYS remove your makeup before bed.

🌈 Make it your mission to fill your every single second with as much happiness as possible.

👁 Put olive oil on your eye lashes every night.

🍳 Wash your hair in eggs and rice water once a week.

🩺 Take a paracemtol as soon as a headache comes on. Don't wait four hours until it's a full blown migraine.

🛍 Don't buy things you don't need. Think before you spend.

✨ NEVER allow anyone or anything to dull your shine.

❤️ Dedicate as much of your life to your passions as you possibly can.

🫀 Respect your body - you only get one.

🫠 Don't barter for respect. If someone refuses to give you the respect you deserve, walk away and don't look back.

🔮 If you're worried about something, ask yourself, "will this still matter in 5 years?"

Don't waste time worrying about things you can't change, or things that haven't happened yet.

💪🏼 Stand up for yourself, or forever feel resentful.

💼 You work to live. You do not live to work.

🦋 If you don't like something, know that you have the power to change it.

❤️‍🩹 Apologise when you're wrong.

🌳 Spend as much time as you can outside in nature. You won't regret it.

💥 ALWAYS be yourself: your own weird and wonderful, totally awesome and unique self.

👩‍👧 Treasure quality time with your loved ones.

☔️ Never lose your ability to enjoy the little things: listening to the rain, walking through puddles in wellies, lying on your back in the sun...

🏡 A tidy house = a tidy mind.

🎓 Never stop learning.

❓Don't be afraid to ask questions and challenge 'norms.' The world would be a very different place if everyone - past and present - just accepted things as they were.

🌻 Don't judge others without knowing the full story. Really, what other people do with their lives is none of your business, just as it's none of their business what you do with yours.

📸 Take photos. You never know the value of a moment until it's gone forever.

👯‍♀️ Nurture the friendships you wish to preserve.

📱 Put your phone down and look around instead. It's a beautiful world - let's see as much of it as we can first hand, rather than through someone else's filtered perception.

👊🏼 Don't let ANYBODY tell you can't do something. Your limitations are infinite, IF you work hard, believe in yourself, and get back up, time and time again.

🌍 Embrace every season - we may not have the luxury of them for much longer.

💃🏻 Dance. Alone on your coffee table, or with friends on top of the bar - always dance.

💫 Trust fate.

🪐 Take the risk; you never know where it might lead you.

👙 Your appearance is YOURS to determine. YOU'RE the artist of your own body - not your peers, not your parents, not Insta, and not society. Dress how you want to dress. Dye your hair every colour of the rainbow. Get a pixie crop. Rock the guy-liner. You look bloody brilliant!

🕊 When people say unsolicited cruel things about you, try not to take it to heart. 9 times out of 10, it's their problem, not yours.

✍🏼 It really is true that if you seek a job doing something you love, you will never work a day in your life. Work doesn't always necessarily have to feel like work.

🌹 The best form of revenge is success.


Cara Jasmine Bradley ©

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